Enterocutaneous Fistula(ECF) and it’s Management
What is Fistula?
Fistula which can be defined as an abnormal and unusual communication between two epithelialized surfaces. Enterocutaneous fistula (ECF), as the name implies , is an abnormal communication between the GI tract and the skin. Fistula in ano (FIA) also type of ECF is not discussed here because it’s management plan is different from that typical Enterocutaneous fistula.
Classification of Enterocutaneous fistulas
An ECF can be classified as
1.external fistula
2.internal fistula
Internal fistula is the abnormal communication between the two hollow viscera and it is mostly seen as a complication of surgery.
based on the output of enterocutaneous fistula, it can be
Low output fistula (<500 mL/day)
High output fistula (>500 mL/day)
What are the causes of Enterocutaneous Fistulas?
1. Surgery as a Postoperative complication(e.g due to disruption of anastomosis and Inadvertent enterotomy) please continue reading https://bit.ly/3UWCYdt